Lincoln Homestead State Park Golf Course

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Phone: 859-336-7461
Address: 5079 Lincoln Park Road
City: Springfield
State/Province: Kentucky
zip: 40069
Country: United States
Latitude, Longitude:
Number of Holes: 18
Length Format: Y
Green Grass: Bent
Fairway Grass: Bermuda

Lincoln Homestead State Park is a park located just north of Springfield, Kentucky, in Washington County. The park encompasses 120 acres and features both historic and reproduced homes of Abraham Lincoln's family. Our 18-hole regulation course takes advantage of the natural rolling hills of central Kentucky. With four tee locations, golfers of all levels can find the right course to challenge their game. The course features Bermuda grass fairways and bent grass greens. There are beautiful lakes and incredible vistas throughout the golf course. World-renowned designers Perry Maxwell, ASGCA, and J. Press Maxwell, ASGCA, designed this golf course, which opened in 1957. Perry Maxwell has designed such notable courses as Colonial CC in Fort Worth, Texas (home of golf legend Ben Hogan) and Southern Hills CC in Tulsa, Oklahoma (Site of the 2007 PGA Championship).

Tee Boxes

Name Slope Rating Your HCP Rounds Modify Scorecard
Tee 1 117 70 0
Tee 2 116 68.9 0
Tee 3 112 68.2 0
Tee 4 (Men) 106 63.9 0
Tee 4 (Women) 112 68.2 0


Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
Par: 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 3 4 36
Tee 1: 344 434 480 397 209 525 453 170 385 3397
Tee 2: 330 424 480 393 181 510 428 170 385 3301
Tee 3: 304 385 470 361 151 490 375 148 370 3054
Tee 4 (Men): 300 336 377 295 118 362 302 130 321 2541
Tee 4 (Women): 300 336 377 295 118 362 302 130 321 2541
Handicap: 15 1 11 3 13 5 7 17 9
Hole: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par: 3 4 4 4 3 5 5 3 4 35 71
Tee 1: 234 334 346 357 208 486 510 146 365 2986 6383
Tee 2: 228 325 341 350 195 486 503 146 365 2939 6240
Tee 3: 205 316 335 343 157 475 495 134 332 2792 5846
Tee 4 (Men): 175 289 272 300 149 405 424 101 275 2390 4931
Tee 4 (Women): 175 289 272 300 149 405 424 101 275 2390 4931
Handicap: 2 18 10 12 4 6 14 16 8

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