Club de Campo, Villa de Madrid

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Address: Carretera de Castilla
City: Madrid
Country: Spain
Latitude, Longitude: (40.458073, -3.769068)
Number of Holes: 18
Length Format: Y
Green Grass:
Fairway Grass:

Located on the very edge of the capital city of Spain with some spectular view of both the city and the surrounding countryside, this course is regarding as one of the best tests of golf in Spain. Although at less than 7000 yards (6374 metres from the white tees) it is not long by modern standards, its fairways are lined with Holm Oak and Pine demanding accuracy from the tee.

Tee Boxes

Name Slope Rating Your HCP Rounds Modify Scorecard
Yellow 129 71.9 0


Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
Par: 4 4 3 5 4 4 5 4 3 36
Yellow: 417 387 181 446 366 388 486 323 152 3146
Handicap: 7 5 15 3 11 1 13 9 17
Hole: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par: 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 35 71
Yellow: 360 181 390 398 471 321 326 140 312 2899 6045
Handicap: 8 10 2 6 4 14 16 18 12

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