Royal Oaks Golf Club

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Phone: (352) 861-1818
Address: 11220 SW 69th Cir
City: Ocala
State/Province: Florida
zip: 34476
Country: United States
Latitude, Longitude: (29.059479, -82.234344)
Number of Holes: 18
Length Format: Y
Green Grass:
Fairway Grass:

Tee Boxes

Name Slope Rating Your HCP Rounds Modify Scorecard
Blue 124 70 0
White 114 68.2 0
GOLD 111 64.9 0
Red 107 63.2 0


Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
Par: 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 4 4 36
Blue: 335 525 136 408 504 161 390 358 379 3196
White: 313 490 128 380 447 145 352 344 363 2962
GOLD: 300 440 125 340 437 110 310 305 323 0
Red: 279 432 95 329 377 107 308 298 243 2468
Handicap: 11 5 17 1 13 15 9 7 3
Hole: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par: 4 3 4 4 5 5 3 4 4 36 72
Blue: 419 187 349 296 466 507 182 308 378 3196 6288
White: 382 166 335 274 437 474 151 285 369 2962 5835
GOLD: 355 150 265 250 405 445 120 280 325 36 5285
Red: 352 145 259 244 401 440 114 255 321 2531 4999
Handicap: 2 6 14 18 16 10 8 12 4

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Royal Oaks Golf Club - Ocala, FL
Royal Oaks at Oak Run Country Club - Golf in Ocala, Florida
Royal Oaks Golf Club - Ocala, FL
Royal Oak Resort and Golf Club - Abandoned in 360
Course Rates
Royal Oaks Country Club, Dallas - Tahoma 31
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Royal Oaks Golf Club, Ocala, FL - Albrecht Golf Guide

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