Linville Ridge

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Address: 101 Ridge Drive
City: Linville
State/Province: North Carolina
zip: 28646
Country: United States
Latitude, Longitude:
Number of Holes: 18
Length Format: Y
Green Grass:
Fairway Grass:

Private mountain top golf course with spectacular views of Grandfather mountain and many others.

Tee Boxes

Name Slope Rating Your HCP Rounds Modify Scorecard
Black 138 73.1 0
Gold 132 71.7 0
Blue 130 69.3 0
White 119 66.6 0
Red 123 67.5 0


Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
Par: 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 36
Black: 580 375 208 420 418 231 300 460 530 3522
Gold: 554 368 182 385 403 206 292 401 514 3305
Blue: 531 348 147 350 354 189 246 367 491 3023
White: 508 332 141 322 308 169 220 323 466 2789
Red: 413 275 118 287 245 124 156 233 430 2281
Handicap: 11 13 17 7 3 15 9 1 5
Hole: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par: 4 4 4 5 3 4 3 5 4 36 72
Black: 410 420 425 510 187 375 220 501 450 3498 7020
Gold: 388 415 396 507 181 354 199 482 417 3339 6644
Blue: 370 391 379 474 156 342 190 453 386 3141 6164
White: 317 347 297 442 134 306 174 423 353 2793 5582
Red: 302 315 263 377 119 293 152 360 326 2507 4788
Handicap: 6 10 2 8 18 12 16 14 4

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Linville Ridge, North Carolina Exclusive Mountaintop Community
Linville Ridge Golf Club - Bobby Weed Golf Design
Linville Ridge Country Club Golf Course and Real Estate | Flickr
Linville Ridge Golf Club - Bobby Weed Golf Design
Linville Ridge - YouTube
Linville Ridge Golf Club - Bobby Weed Golf Design
Executive Chef, Linville Ridge Country Club, Linville Ridge, NC ...
Linville Ridge Country Club Golf Course Scenic Linville North ...

Course Reviews


Average: 10/10

Total Reviews: 1

bigdog - hcp: 12.3 - cost: 250

10/10 -

Beautiful mountain top golf.  Played day after Member-Member and course conditions were perfect.  Fast greens, perfect fairways.  short by yardage standards but typical mountain golf - serious elevation changes and few level lies.  Above average iron play and short game required!

Rode All 18 on 07/27/2010

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