Legends on the Niagara - Battlefield

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Phone: (866) 465-3642
Website: www.niagaraparksgolf.com
Address: 9172 Willoughby Drive
City: Niagara Falls
State/Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Latitude, Longitude: (43.045547, -79.045937)
Number of Holes: 18
Length Format: Y
Green Grass:
Fairway Grass:

Tee Boxes

Name Slope Rating Your HCP Rounds Modify Scorecard
Gold 135 75 0
Blue 130 73.3 0
White 127 70.2 0
White/Green 120 67 0
Green 117 70.7 0


Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
Par: 5 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 36
Gold: 569 454 231 449 365 541 423 180 472 3694
Blue: 550 431 209 422 345 514 392 162 446 3471
White: 514 402 172 386 320 477 360 130 410 3171
White/Green: 514 356 131 354 320 477 321 130 368 2971
Green: 468 356 131 354 279 436 321 115 368 2828
Handicap: 11 3 13 9 17 7 5 15 1
Hole: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par: 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 36 72
Gold: 435 526 455 389 186 436 427 205 556 3615 7309
Blue: 411 497 432 369 165 406 402 191 518 3391 6862
White: 378 465 397 332 139 377 366 166 480 3100 6271
White/Green: 337 465 352 332 139 324 366 106 480 2901 5872
Green: 337 417 352 279 103 324 320 106 434 2672 5500
Handicap: 14 12 16 4 18 8 2 10 6

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Course Reviews


Average: 9/10

Total Reviews: 1

Barnzy - hcp: 10 - cost: 100

9/10 - Great layout and spacious layout. Greens are fantastic. Sand also.

Rode 18 on 06/03/2024

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