Lederach Golf Club

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Phone: 215-513-3034
Website: www.lederachgolfclub.com
Address: 900 Clubhouse Dr
City: Harleysville
State/Province: Pennsylvania
zip: 19438
Country: United States
Latitude, Longitude: (40.249466, -75.405563)
Number of Holes: 18
Length Format: Y
Green Grass:
Fairway Grass:

Tee Boxes

Name Slope Rating Your HCP Rounds Modify Scorecard
Blue 134 71.8 0
Blue 137 71.4 0
Green 131 69.8 0
Orange 128 65.8 0
White 110 64.3 0


Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
Par: 4 4 5 4 3 5 3 4 4 36
Blue: 347 391 558 424 208 527 151 354 368 3228
Green: 320 375 533 368 186 485 130 298 360 3055
Orange: 276 304 407 360 164 396 125 279 340 2651
White: 266 294 397 236 164 386 111 269 331 2454
Handicap: 13 7 3 5 15 1 17 9 11
Hole: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par: 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 4 4 36 71
Blue: 394 377 628 382 211 445 133 418 308 3296 6624
Blue: 6624
Green: 377 358 527 346 191 396 120 404 288 3007 6062
Orange: 324 340 395 311 181 354 113 355 250 2623 5274
White: 314 240 498 301 180 354 103 350 240 2580 5034
Handicap: 14 4 2 12 16 8 18 6 10

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Lederach Golf Club | Philadelphia Golf
Lederach Golf Club in Harleysville, Pennsylvania, USA | GolfPass
Lederach Golf Club | Harleysville PA
Lederach Golf Club in Harleysville, Pennsylvania, USA | GolfPass
Lederach Golf Club - Township of Lower Salford, PA
Lederach Golf Club | Golf Course Map
Lederach Golf Club | Philadelphia Golf
Lederach Golf Club | GreatLIFE Golf Management

Course Reviews


Average: 8.5/10

Total Reviews: 2

HaroldM - hcp: 20.6 - cost: 30

8/10 -

Premium public course.  Well maintained, interesting layout.  Greens are fast with significant elevation changes.  Challenging and fun to play.  Week day senior rates are reasonable for a great golf course.

Rode All 18 on 11/22/2011

Peter10 - hcp: 24.75 - cost: 75

9/10 -

Beautiful course. Excellent conidition. Difficult.

Rode All 18 on 07/23/2009

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